Delightful discussion about transhumanism
Posted by Lord Crump Nov 21 2009 02:51 GMT in Omegle
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: Hello
Stranger: How are you?
You: Meh alright
You: Just came back from discussing the practical applications of transhumanism
You: With a friend of mine
Stranger: Oh, how did that go?
You: We concluded that transhumanist developments will take place within the next 100 years, but the real problem is how to distribute them
Stranger: Well converting people to some sort of cyborg, would take a while if you think about it lol
You: Should we pull for a capitalist libertarian "do whatever you want to your body" approach or a Marxist "wait until socialist revolution" approach
You: See, converting people to cyborgs isn't the problem
You: it's who will be able to afford it
Stranger: Well, then not many things will happen with that. Based on how the economy is doing right now and the unemployment rate..... Things aren't relaly going to get started with that for a long time
Stranger: In my eyes..
Stranger: But when that day comes, wow
You: Well, technology and science isn't getting hit as hard as other sectors of the economy.
You: Our level of technology increases exponentially with each year.
Stranger: Maybe so, but all I am saying is that as long as this is going on, all of these people jobless
You: True, so it would be difficult for a libertarian transhumanist approach to prove practical. But then again...
You: By the time this technology is perfected, it would gradually decrease in costs.
You: To the point where middle class families can afford it.
Stranger: Okay, well... Care to tell me what this might do to the human population
Stranger: After they, afford it and what not
You: Oh, you're talking about overpopulation?
Stranger: No..
Stranger: I'm only talking about what it will do to people, when they.....
Stranger: Take the next step to transhumanism
You: Well, the brain is what makes the man. What gives us our personality, and all that good stuff.
You: If we were able to preserve our brain with technology so that it doesn't decay
You: There isn't much to fear in terms of existential crisis.
Stranger: Oh, well what are the benifets, just longer life?
You: Longer life, resistance to disease. Memory augmentation, increased physical abilities.
You: Basically, more efficiency than humans.
Stranger: That sounds good, although... That wont be in my life time
You: Depends; how old are you?
Stranger: Well.... I'm only 17..
Stranger: It appears you are much older
You: I'm 19, but I'm confident we will see it within the next 100 years.
Stranger: Due to the fact your choice of wording makes me feel stupid
Stranger: I guess I was wrong..
Stranger: Now I feel even more pathetic
You: No need to feel pathetic; optimism is key.
Stranger: I suppose you may be right
Stranger: Now I just believe you to be some super genius ha ha
You: No; I just like to talk about these things quite a bit.
You: Because our future is interesting; transhumanism, space exploration...
Stranger: Gaming!
You: Indeed.
Stranger: That is what I'm all about wasting my time and brain power on games
You: I was plenty of my time and brain power on games, as well; but then again, I don't view games as mere "toys."
You: I actually consider them to be a form of art.
Stranger: Well, it matters what you play I guess, which is?
You: All genres. Platformers, JRPGs, WRPGs, Action-Adventures, Shooters...
Stranger: Well taht's good
You: Of course.
Stranger: Always have time for gaming
You: Entertainment is necessary for a healthy mind.
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