Dark Souls 2 pre-orders now include early access to useful weapons
Posted by Joystiq Feb 12 2014 19:30 GMT in Dark Souls II
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As if guaranteed defeat and crushing frustration weren't enough to tempt players into pre-ordering Dark Souls 2, Namco Bandai has sweetened the pot by offering early weapon access to those who pre-order the game's Black Armor or Collector's Edition incarnations.

Far from a game-breaking boon, this bonus offers players a choice between five weapons and their complementary shields that would otherwise not be available until a few hours into Dark Souls 2. None of the armaments on offer appear to provide any spectacular bonuses, but they are a drastic improvement over the arguably functional weapons players would otherwise start their quest carrying. You'll find a full list of these readily available killing implements past the break.

As mentioned above, earning these weapons early will require players to pre-order either the Black Armor or Collector's Edition versions of Dark Souls 2. We covered the contents of the $120 Collector's Edition in September, but the Black Armor Edition includes a special metal case and a soundtrack disc alongside the game for $60. Neither the Black Armor Edition nor the Collector's Edition have yet been announced for the PC iteration of Dark Souls 2, though that's to be expected given that the game's release date is still in question. [Image: Namco Bandai]

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