Another Life, Another Time: Far Cry 2 Revisited
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 14 2014 17:00 GMT in Far Cry 3
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From: Alec Meer, Brighton, February 2014

To: Alec Meer, Bath, October 2008

Hey kid,

Hah, I’ve probably pissed you off already, haven’t I? That was easily done back then, as I recall. Yeah, yeah, you’re no kid – right now, every one of your twenty-nine years feels like a scar. It’s been a bad year, even by your standards. You’re burning to up and leave this fusty old town you’ve spent the last eight years in, but you feel so tired, so broken, so bitter. You’re also about to sit down with Far Cry 2, and you’re not going to like it. Everything’s going to change in time, including how you feel about that game.

… [visit site to read more]

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