Grounded: The Making of The Last of Us Now Available on Amazon Instant Video
Posted by PlayStation Blog Feb 18 2014 18:59 GMT in The Last of Us
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By now you’ve played The Last of Us and likely have learned more about Ellie’s backstory in The Last of Us: Left Behind. Maybe you’re been wondering how we got Joel’s beard to look so good or why Ellie acts like she does. We’re pleased to say that Grounded: The Making of The Last of Us can provide you with some answers and that it’s now available to watch for free.


If you live in North America, head over to Amazon Instant Video now and be the first, outside of our season pass holders, to watch the full, ninety minute, in-depth look at the making of The Last of Us throughout its development. We partnered with Area 5 to produce the video and it’s a thoughtful afterword to the game itself.

For those of you outside the US, Grounded will be coming to the PlayStation YouTube channel very soon. We’re working on additional ways for you to view Grounded in its entirety, so be on the lookout for those announcements.

In the next few days, we’ll also be providing a glimpse into the making of the Left Behind and some thoughts from the development team about what it was like to make our first-ever single-player downloadable chapter.

If you haven’t purchased The Last of Us, The Last of Us: Left Behind or our Season Pass yet, it’s best to do so before you dive into watching Grounded. As for our season pass holders, we’ll be adding even more value to your season pass in the coming weeks.

Be sure to check out Grounded and see how the game that’s won over 230 Game of Year awards, The Last of Us, was made.

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