Join Joystiq's MAG army and get a free beta code
Posted by Joystiq Nov 23 2009 20:20 GMT in MAG
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MAG is a pretty ridiculous title, but it does perfectly sum up what the game is all about. Massive Action Game is the first console game to feature 128 vs. 128 online multiplayer matches, which you'll be able to try tomorrow with the debut of beta 4.5. We want you to join the Joystiq army: a 128-person squad of loyal Joystiq readers ready to represent us online. The PlayStation Network will tremble, with the Joystiq team striking fear into all that dare to step into MAG. Together, world domination will be ours!* But, you say you're not in the MAG beta? Well, we'll fix that right now! Become a Joystiq fan on Facebook and you'll be able to score yourself a code.

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