Zynga rolling out new Farmville, Poker, Words With Friends games this year
Posted by Joystiq Mar 03 2014 22:00 GMT in Gaming News
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You'd better scrounge up another soul, because you will soon owe it to Zynga, which plans to release new mobile versions of FarmVille, Poker and Words with Friends "in the coming months." Specifically, the company will launch FarmVille 2: Country Escape, New Zynga Poker and New Words with Friends.

FarmVille 2: Country Escape will serve as a mobile extension of the web version of FarmVille 2. Players will be able to connect the two games, allowing them to transfer items from one to the other. Country Escape will also allow for offline play. New Poker, meanwhile, adds new social features that will simplify playing directly with friends. It will also feature adaptive difficulty, monitoring player skill levels and placing them at appropriately challenging tables.

Finally, New Words with Friends updates the original formula with a built-in dictionary and detailed player profiles. And fear not if you already have a few nail-biters in progress, as current games will automatically transfer to New Words with Friends. Sadly, our request to implement lasers and random loot drops seems to have been ignored.

Zynga didn't specify which mobile platforms can expect its new lineup, though promotional images (like the one above), show the games running on Apple devices. Given Zynga's prolific nature, Android ports wouldn't be surprising. [Image: Zynga]

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