Watch_Dogs Delay Due To ‘Broken’ Systems, Out In May
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 07 2014 10:00 GMT in Ubisoft
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All I wanted to do was watch some dogs late last year. Was that so much to ask? Apparently, because Ubisoft abruptly delayed near-future hacker magic sim Watch_Dogs into the non-specific reaches of 2014. To sate my craving, I had to go to a dog park, and there weren’t any hackers there at all. What a bust. Now, though, Aiden Pierce – man of many faces, two first names, and one silly hat – is back on track, and he’ll be breaking phones and probably hearts in May. But why the wait in the first place? According to Ubisoft, the game just wasn’t coming together.

… [visit site to read more]

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