inFAMOUS Second Son: Ruthless vs. Heroic Gameplay
Posted by PlayStation Blog Mar 18 2014 01:41 GMT in inFAMOUS: Second Son
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In inFAMOUS Second Son, your gameplay style and moral choices influence your superhuman powers in profound ways. If you’re a goodie two-shoes when using your Neon powers, you’ll be able to briefly slow time while zooming in for precise shots — crucial for pegging foes in their legs and immobilizing them. If you play as a power-drunk renegade, you’ll want to kill enemies in rapid succession to keep your combo meter growing, which unlocks new abilities more quickly.

We’ve invited two community members to take a shot at playing the game in two different ways. Below, YouTube raconteur whiteboy7thst takes you through the finer points of the Ruthless playstyle, while Minecraft kingpin HojjoshMC shares his Heroic experiences.

Heroic Powers

Ruthless Powers

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