Warface primed for full launch on Xbox 360 later this month
Posted by Joystiq Apr 08 2014 11:00 GMT in Warface
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On April 22, you can demand your Xbox 360 to give you the best wide-eyed, high-decibel Warface it can, because that's when Crytek's free-to-play shooter launches in full.

Warface is the first game from Crytek Kiev, and it first arrived on Windows PC last year. This month's transfer to Xbox 360 signals its debut on a home console. Warface uses CryEngine 3, as per Crysis 3 and Ryse, and it offers online military melee in co-op and player-vs-player flavors. Just a reminder: While the game itself is free-to-play, you'll need an Xbox Live Gold account to access it. [Image: Crytek]

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