Coming from a Nintendo Life interview with Adam Oliver, one of the devs on Project M...
“Upon becoming more and more popular with the mainstream Smash scene, we were reminded of a very important and humbling fact about the nature of Super Smash Bros: its genre versatility. We also want to stress that we earnestly believe in the ideal that Super Smash Bros. is a series that is meant to be enjoyed by a wide audience. With so many options to choose from, Smash games can be played as both competitive fighters and party games. We truly believe in the creed that there isn't a right way to play Super Smash Bros., only a way that is right for you. It is an important distinction that we take to heart when developing Project M. When we say that we've taken heavy inspiration on Super Smash Bros. Melee, it is partially because it adheres to these standards.
Project M has reinforced the idea to respect any and all smashers. Seeing all of these smashers from different scenes play our game made us meet many different people with different opinions. In the end, we came to the conclusion that no matter where we come from, we are all bound by a love of Smash... Our greatest hope is that Project M will be played and enjoyed by many [people]. It is being played in many homes and our fanbase is on a steady increase. We hope that this tendency will continue.”
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