Orcs Must Die Unchained spins tower defense into 'fortress siege'
Posted by Joystiq Apr 11 2014 01:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Orcs Must Die! is back, but this time the tower-defense action series is a lot more League of Legends. Orcs Must Die Unchained! is a free-to-play, team-based, 5v5 multiplayer game like the MOBAs flooding the market, with elements known to the series, and adding a card collecting element.

"We've been calling it a fortress siege game," said Robot Entertainment CEO Patrick Hudson to IGN. Now players will not only compete against each other, but will be able to lead AI allies into battle.

The first Orcs Must Die! was strictly a single-player experience, with the sequel adding two-player co-op. Now developer Robot Entertainment seems ready to throw in the kitchen sink with Unchained!. The game is expected to launch later this year, with pre-orders already available. Heck, you can play the game now if you pay $150, but there's also a $20 option if you want to wait until beta. Waiting for beta is sooo 2012. Premium buy in-pre-alpha is the new hotness.

If you're attending PAX East, you can try before you charge into battle. The game will be playable on the show floor. [Image: Robot Entertainment]

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