DayZ Of Our Lives: SOE Also Doing Zombie-Based Survival
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 11 2014 07:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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If it wasn’t already plainly obvious, survival games are all the rage these day(z), and zombies – thanks to DayZ’s ever-looming influence – come part and parcel with that. The War Z/Infestation: Survivor Stories hit a little too close to home on that front, and Nether, with its possibly dubious ties to the former, also deals in apocalyptic baddie bashing, but with a slant toward the occult. Rust, meanwhile, frolicked through the gray-green fields with the shambling undead only for as long as it had to. And now it seems EverQuest and PlanetSide developer SOE has come down with a case of the Z diseaze as well, with its “soon” to be available H1Z1 promising DayZ-style antics on a much larger scale.

When Smedley promised a game “dedicated” to longtime Star Wars Galaxies fans, I’m not sure if this is what they had in mind.

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