Destroy All Monsters: Hazard Ops Shoots Weird Things
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 11 2014 17:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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How awfully productive Take Your Child To Work Day must have been for Hazard Ops. I imagine the developers’ children left in a conference room with a big pile of coloured pens, kept occupied by being told they had the important and helpful job of deciding which enemies would be in the game. “Monsters!” they wrote. “Robots! Mutants! Mummies! Demons! Zombies! Zombie dogs! Dinosaurs! Dinosaurs with rocket launchers! Ghost bitches in high heels!” (One had guessed the child lock code for Adult Swim, it was later discovered.) One terrible filing mixup later, the free-to-play multiplayer shooters has all these and more.

Hazard Ops is coming to Europe, publisher Infernum has announced, some time from July to September. It’s developed by Yingpei Games, the gang formerly known as Epic Games China, and surely their children too.

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