Hack ‘N’ Slash’s Early Access Trailer Is Just The Greatest
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 12 2014 08:00 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Double Fine’s Hack ‘N’ Slash piqued my curiosity when I saw (and video-ed) its ultra-clever hacking antics last month, and soon it will give you the keys to its sparkling kingdom of 1s and 0s. Since it’s a videogame, that of course means a trailer is in order, lest people just stand in place, slack-jawed, like racers who’ve yet to hear a starting gun. In the modern gaming world, we are lost without trailers. They tell us where to go, what to buy, how to live. It’s a chilling thought, but look! A funny video on the Internet and huh what was I even talking about again?

… [visit site to read more]

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