The RPS Bargain Bucket: Convention Season
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 12 2014 12:30 GMT in PC Gaming News
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Ah, conventions. While a reason for giddy exuberance among gamers big and small, they’re not unlike games journalism’s answer to The Labors of Hercules. Seriously, these stop being fun after the fifteenth interview of the day. Trust me on this. Brr. Anyway. With everyone else on the floor and alit with excitement about upcoming games, this is probably the perfect time to talk about discounted games. Old games, new games, games you’ve probably never heard about. They might lack the razzle and dazzle of upcoming games but at least you can play them now. Either way, the Bargain Bucket is rattling with cheap bargains for you. Today’s plushie is brought to you by Angel Tear and the number 12.

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