Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker creeping up on the UK next May
Posted by Joystiq Dec 03 2009 15:40 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
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A Konami press release, laden with the heft of a UK release date for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, landed in our laps this morning. We don't think it had enough force to do any serious damage to -- what? Oh, right. Potential FOXHOUNDs living in the United Kingdom can get their hands on the co-op portable stealth title on May 28, 2010; or, as they'd likely call it, 28 May, 2010. For those of you keeping score, now the UK and Japan both have release dates for the game. Who does a guy have to hide behind in a box and then put in an unrelenting sleeper hold to get a North American launch date around here?

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