Tekken 6 arcade stick bundles on sale for $78
Posted by Joystiq Dec 10 2009 19:45 GMT in Tekken 6
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Have you been hoping, nay, dreaming of snagging one of the Tekken 6 arcade stick bundles but have been hesitant to plunk down the $150 asking price? This post is for you then, as Amazon has positively slashed the price of the bundle on both PS3 and 360 version, knocking them down to a paltry $78. Seventy-eight bones! That's only $18 bucks more than your average game and it includes the Tekken 6 Hori arcade stick to boot. If you, or the digital pugilist in your life, haven't picked this up yet, it probably won't get much cheaper than this. [Via Dealzon]

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