Uncharted 2's sexual politics examined
Posted by Joystiq Jan 04 2010 18:32 GMT in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
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Gamasutra has posted an interesting analysis of the treatment of sexuality in Uncharted 2. The article mainly focuses on Chloe, which the author, Tom Cross, describes as "a smart, competent, sexually aware pointedly heterosexual female character." The article further notes that Chloe, in an unusual turn for most video games, "constantly disagrees with and harries the main male character, sometimes out of self-interest and sometimes out of deeply felt connection and respect." While Cross notes that Uncharted 2 sticks to common story tropes and character arcs, he acknowledges the "incredible quality of Among Thieves' script, story, and acting," noting that the main cast are "some of the most fun, interesting, inoffensive characters in video games." We're inclined to agree. After all, Uncharted 2 didn't take Joystiq's top honors for nothing.

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