I'm gonna be 20 tomorrow
Posted by Lord Crump Jan 08 2010 14:54 GMT in Lord Crump
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that strange transitioning phase when you're no longer a teenager but you're still too young to legally purchase booze


That's where McLovin comes in, my friend.
Reply by Monocleton Jan 08 2010 14:56 GMT
Damn you are old. Why are you even on this site.
Reply by Popple Jan 08 2010 15:43 GMT
Also happy birthday or something.
Reply by Popple Jan 08 2010 16:15 GMT
well I was 17 or something like that when I joined
boy does time fly
Reply by Lord Crump Jan 08 2010 16:28 GMT
...the Hell? I've only aged two years since joining, yet you've aged three. Something's screwy.
Reply by Monocleton Jan 08 2010 17:15 GMT

I can already buy alcohol at 18, and I was "legal" at 16. I think. Brb, intertubes.

EDIT: Yep, British age of consent is 16. Also, the age of consent in Japan is 13. ._.

Reply by MattTheSpratt Jan 08 2010 18:30 GMT
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