Mega Man 10 footage caught on tape
Posted by Joystiq Jan 08 2010 20:30 GMT in Mega Man 10
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Capcom is showing off Mega Man 10 at CES. CES has possibly the highest concentration of video cameras of any location on Earth. You see where this is going. After the break, we've embedded off-screen footage of the faux-retro downloadable game's stadium stage, captured and written up in preview form by The Mega Man Network. Capcom didn't allow the boss's name to be released, so it's just "the stadium stage" for now. The MM Network blogger managed to play, and record, the stage in both normal difficulty and the new Easy Mode, allowing us to see some of the differences. It's especially notable in the goal post mid-boss area: in normal difficulty, there's a spiked ball that constantly slams into Mega Man, but in Easy Mode that obstacle is absent, making the boss a fairly simple matter. At the end, the game announces that, like Mega Man 9, there will be DLC and a time attack mode. Mega Man 10 will be available on Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 as a download in March. [Via GoNintendo]

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