PSA: Star Trek Online beta starts today
Posted by Joystiq Jan 12 2010 20:20 GMT in Star Trek Online
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MESSAGE BEGINS Attention Starfleet cadets, this is a reminder that the Star Trek Online open beta testing program begins today, January 12, 2010 (stardate 63497.4). Those cadets wishing to participate will need to acquire a client and a beta access key. A client may be obtained from the Big Download database located here. has a cache of 10,000 beta access keys that will be granted to cadets on a first come, first serve basis. Please visit Massively to obtain your access key as soon as possible. Also, we would like to remind students that transporter pads in transporter room three are still malfunctioning. Anyone not wishing to have their good and evil halves split between two physically identical bodies should avoid transporter room three if at all possible. That is all. MESSAGE ENDS [Image source: Alex Piskun]

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