New DSi bundle, Q1 games dated in Europe
Posted by Joystiq Jan 19 2010 18:30 GMT in Wii Sports Resort
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Much as it did for North America, Nintendo just tossed out a huge list of release dates for Europe in Q1. And right at the top of the list is a new DSi hardware bundle, to be released on February 12. If you don't feel like holding out one more month for the out-sized DSi XL, you can get a pink DSi with a copy of Nintendo Presents Style Boutique. In other hardware news, the company announced that it will continue offering the previously limited-edition black Wii bundle, which includes both Wii Sportses, a Wiimote, a Nunchuk, and a MotionPlus. As for the games, there's a lot coming up on Wii and DS in the next few months, including both Tatsunoko vs. Capcom and Ace Attorney Investigations from Capcom, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Phantasy Star Zero, Excitebike World Rally and more. Source (PDF link)

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