Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was mostly Kojima's idea
Posted by Joystiq Jan 24 2010 23:00 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
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Most prominent figures in the video game industry usually recoil when they're given all the credit for coming up with the idea for one of their studio's games. The same apparently can't be said for Hideo Kojima -- according to CVG, the mind behind Metal Gear Solid recently explained the origins of some of the concepts in Peace Walker during an interview with Official PlayStation Magazine: "Well it's strange, but not so many ideas come from the other staff," Kojima humbly stated. The idiosyncratic developer also pointed out, "Co-op Ring, Love Box - the names and the ideas come from myself," later adding "I am taking charge of the overall game design." We're pretty excited by this fact. It sounds like more than any other Metal Gear game that came before it, Peace Walker will be a direct window into Kojima's convoluted thinkmeat.

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