Dark Void plugged with 'Survivor Missions' DLC next week
Posted by Joystiq Feb 04 2010 21:00 GMT in Dark Void
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The Rocketeer raconteurs at Capcom have announced downloadable content for January's critical crash-and-burn, Dark Void. Dubbed "Survivor Missions," the pack allows you to "relive key events" from the third-person shooter, modified by increasingly difficult waves of enemies and a points multiplier. Think: Gears of War 2's horde mode, only you're alone and ... can turn into a plane? The DLC should be available on Xbox 360 next week, February 10th, at 400 MS points ($5). It'll land on PlayStation Network the following day, February 11th, for $4.99 -- that's one cent cheaper than DSiWare's Dark Void Zero. And if you're looking for even more ways to spend money on Dark Void, Bear in mind the soundtrack, which launches on February 9th.

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