NetEase approved to operate World of Warcraft in China
Posted by Joystiq Feb 19 2010 01:30 GMT in World of Warcraft
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Is it ... possible? Can it be? Has the seemingly endless struggle to get World of Warcraft back online in China finally ended? Digital East Asia reports that China's General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP) has approved NetEase's request for a license to operate the game and its expansion pack, The Burning Crusade. The government body issued a statement saying NetEase "has taken necessary corrective measures" to address GAPP's issues with the game. (We're assuming a few more monsters got deskeleton-ized.)

Though Chinese WoW players should be able to get back to their regularly scheduled grinding soon, it's unlikely that they'll ever gain access to any of the game's future expansions. But ... that's okay. They don't really add anything cool to the game. Death Knights? Pssh. Werewolves? More like Snorewolves, right?

[Via Massively]

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