Why God of War III sucks
Posted by Francis Feb 27 2010 00:50 GMT in God of War III
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It's been over 20 years since Golden Axe, and all they added was combos and cut-scenes?  I just played the GoW III demo and while the cinematics are great, the actual game is disappointing...

  • Gameplay consists of button mashing the same enemies, move up a screen, repeat.  *yawn*
  • Why have unexplained chests of energy everywhere?  Just auto-heal if you are going to be lazy game designers.
  • Enemies disappear instantly after you kill them, so you don't get to appreciate the damage you dealt.
  • During the QTEs, you don't get to enjoy the cinematics because you have to stare at the corner to see what button to press.

I have only played the demo, and none of the previous GoW games, so is there something else to this?  Why are games like this (Ninja Gaiden, DMC, etc) so highly acclaimed?  </rant>


Because they have a high diffuctly level and very large sense of scale. At least Bayonetta did. Bayonetta is the shit. *crag* GoWIII.
Reply by Popple Feb 27 2010 03:50 GMT

I just rented GoW. Never played any game in the franchise but I had been looking forward to playing this game for last few years on the PS3.

The visuals are fantastic.

The game play fantastically sucks.

Seriously??? I waited all these years for this???

This game with all that fantastic visual requires you to mash buttons in certain orders with less than split second lead time to progress??? WTF is is L3 + R3??? Even on Spartan it's too quick. I'm just a casual gamer. I just wanna play the game, not stare at the screen to try and catch which button to press next. Geez can't even focus on the visuals cause too focused on trying to catch the next button graphic that pops up.

Damn! I am so disappointed. Thank goodness for game rentals.

Back to Blockbuster. sigh...

Reply by n00b Mar 18 2010 00:21 GMT
Nice trolling, n00b.
Reply by ©na Mar 18 2010 00:54 GMT
Oh Francis you so crazy.
Reply by hawkofrawk Mar 18 2010 00:56 GMT
*crag* *crag*ing god of war it *crag*ing sucks *crag*
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Mar 18 2010 02:06 GMT
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Also, fun fact: 17% of this site's visitors from google searched for "god of war 3 sucks"
Reply by Francis Mar 18 2010 02:42 GMT
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