Someone briefly explain to me the plot and universe of Half-Life 1 and how it leads in to Half-Life 2 so I can be bothered to finally getting around to playing Half-Life 2 again
Posted by Lord Crump Mar 04 2010 02:55 GMT in The Dump
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You are Gordon Freeman, theoretical physicist. You are told by scientists to get an HEV suit and go to the test chamber, which you do. You push a sample from an alien world into a beam thing, but something goes wrong, creating a Resonance Cascade, which gives the various inhabitants of the planet Xen a chance to invade. Your goal is to make it to the surface, fighting your way past headcrabs, the zombies that they make, Vortigaunts, and barnacles. As you progress you encounter a large tentacle thing, which you destroy. As you get nearer to the surface, you find that the military will not help you, and have been dispatched to kill you and everyone in Black Mesa. After this your goal is to reach the Lambda Complex, for some reason. You encounter some alien things, look a bit like large armored vortigaunts. Nothing all too important, except for the ninjas, and you find yourself at the Lambda Complex. You must restore the core to working power, to allow the portals (which you don't have clearance to know about) to function. You get some weapons (which you don't have clearance to know about) from the weapons department (which you don't have clearance to know about) and get the core working. You make your way to the top, and enter the portal to Xen. This part doesn't last long, and you find yourself in the Gonarch's Lair. The Gonarch is sort of a headcrab queen(?). You kill it, and progress. You find a factory, which seems to be in the business of making those armored alien things, and eventually come face to face with the Nihilanth, which is leading the invasion. You kill it, and find yourself on a platform in Xen. G-Man talks to you, explaining how Xen is under control for now, and places you on a tram sort of thing. The G-Man offers you employment, you accept, and await assignment.
Next assignment: Half-Life 2. This whole incident may have attracted attention to Earth, which is why the Combine invaded.
Reply by ©na Mar 04 2010 03:32 GMT

Gonarch is a mommy of baby headcrabs.


But it is also a giant walking testicle.


nihilant is a giant alien fetus

Reply by darkz Mar 04 2010 03:45 GMT

also killing the nihilant caused a bunch of portals to open up
 which is what led to combine invasion

Reply by darkz Mar 04 2010 03:46 GMT
Thank you for elaborating Darkz.
Reply by ©na Mar 04 2010 05:32 GMT

You are Gordon Freeman, interdimensional freelance mute for hire. This is your story <-- All you need to know to play Half-Life 2

Reply by Popple Mar 04 2010 06:34 GMT
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