R.U.S.E. tutorial helps you become a veteran trickster
Posted by Joystiq Apr 01 2010 12:00 GMT in R.U.S.E.
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It's been almost a year and we're still haunted by the atrocities we've seen on the battlefield. We just weren't prepared last time, so the enemy advanced, steamrolling us like we were nothing but a squadron of cute, fluffy teddy bears covered in butterscotch pudding -- the cutest of ineffectual "warriors." So we've resolved that in the R.U.S.E. beta, we're not going to be such easy pushovers and, thankfully, Eugen Systems is here with another salvo of tutorial footage to help ensure that happens.

The Paris-based developer behind the deceptive RTS offers several tips on maximizing time with the recently released beta; through the use of slick ruse combos, players can create more potent attack patterns and even distract the enemy from vital strongholds. There's even some insight into the unique characteristics of some of the six different factions in the game and combining their units in very specific ways, giving you a more dynamic unit set -- not to mention a breakdown of time periods, which limits the amount of research you can access and, by extension, your access to certain units.

Because R.U.S.E. is such a complex game, it means you can't just click on stuff until you figure it out, which is our basic go-to strategy in these situations. What? We're lovers, not fighters, folks!

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