Full Green Day: Rock Band track list revealed
Posted by Joystiq Apr 09 2010 18:20 GMT in Green Day: Rock Band
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Over the past few months, we've received a handful of confirmations of tracks appearing in Green Day: Rock Band, but Entertainment Weekly's Music Mix blog just got its hands on the whole kit-n-caboodle. You can find the game's full 47-song track list just past the jump. Looks like we're in for sizable chunks of American Idiot, Dookie and 21st Century Breakdown, with light smatterings of Warning, Nimrod and Insomniac.

The songs will be split among three different venues signifying different periods during the band's career. The American Idiot tracks are played at the National Bowl in Milton Keynes, where they recorded their live DVD Bullet in a Bible. More than a dozen tracks will be played at the Fox Theater in the band's hometown of Oakland. Finally, songs from Dookie will be played at the "Warehouse" -- a mock-up of the "house parties and squats" at which the band got its start. Also, if you're laughing because we wrote "dookie" and "squats" in the same sentence, then congratulations, you're eleven years old.

[Thanks, Jake]

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