I think I'm gonna fail Calculus II
Posted by Lord Crump Apr 17 2010 00:31 GMT in Lord Crump
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Or at least get a D in it.




Knowing when to drop a class is a fine art.
Reply by Francis Apr 17 2010 00:59 GMT
Indeed it is, but you're sorta screwed when your math teacher takes over a week to grade your first test resulting in you not getting your first grade back before withdrawal deadline and therefore not having a solid idea of how you'll do in the class
Reply by Lord Crump Apr 17 2010 01:17 GMT

same with me and algerbra 2, cept if I get an A this quarter I can has a B for the year

Reply by Super-Claus Apr 17 2010 19:10 GMT
I'm from Canada, so its different format, but is this a university course (the 2 is in question)
Reply by FrozenWinters Apr 18 2010 02:10 GMT
Also, nobody on this site has an excuse to claim math difficult. I'm in *crag*ing grade 9 and I could probably write a 12 grade calc exam NOW and get at least a 90 (self-educated)
Reply by FrozenWinters Apr 18 2010 02:12 GMT
well aren't you a little smarty pants
and yes this is college
Reply by Lord Crump Apr 18 2010 03:23 GMT
Shut up Pi. You and your *crag*ing Canadian math. Long division ins't Calculus.
Reply by Popple Apr 18 2010 03:41 GMT
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