Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker losing a scene in Japan
Posted by Joystiq Apr 18 2010 16:30 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
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How is Twitter like Metal Gear Solid's codec system? Two ways: you see a picture of the person speaking next to every statement, and Hideo Kojima writes a lot for both. Andriasang pointed out a Tweet from the game designer, revealing that cuts had to be made to the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker to keep the game at a CERO (Japan's equivalent to the ESRB) "C" rating.

"The PSP is supported by the younger generation," Kojima said. "That is why we avoided the animation of bloodspill. However, 'A Scene' that is critical and essential to the series was pointed out by the rating board." Kojima lamented the fact that the anti-war and anti-nuke messages of the game were ignored by the ratings board, while one bloody scene was seized upon. The American and European releases of the game will be uncut. We believe the scene in question is likely to be a torture sequence, a staple of the Metal Gear Solid series. It is most assuredly not the scene in which Snake fights a giant dragon-type creature.

Celebrate the uncensored nature of the localized game by watching the American trailer above, originally posted on the PlayStation Blog.

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