Review: Super Street Fighter IV
Posted by Joystiq Apr 26 2010 17:32 GMT in Super Street Fighter IV
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For a series so commonly derided for issuing update after constant update in its prime, the initial release of Street Fighter IV doesn't get enough credit for getting it right the first time - mostly, anyway. After nearly a decade without a direct Street Fighter sequel, Capcom not only delivered what is arguably one of the most finely tuned fighting games of all time, but it single-handedly ushered forth a new era of competitive gaming, amassing a loyal army of fighting fanatics unlike anything seen since the arcade boom of the early '90s.

As the joke goes, with success comes superfluous adjectives and Capcom is never one to disappoint in this regard. A year later the developers have cranked out an update, Super Street Fighter IV, and naturally, skepticism fills the air as it appears as though the new dog has learned an old, money-hungry trick. That's the superficial response at least, because when you take a deeper look at what the new package offers, you'll find a well-oiled fighting machine that's more than worth the budget fee -- and I'm not just talking about Hakan.

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