Review: Green Day: Rock Band
Posted by Joystiq Jun 08 2010 13:00 GMT in Green Day: Rock Band
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Kerplunk: A Play in One Act

Lights up. We're in a mid-size sedan somewhere near the middle of the country where friends Seth and Frank are road-tripping to an annual combination conference and competition for the best air guitarists, air drummers and karaoke singers: The Ruby Bridge Concertition.
: [polishing off the last bite of a drive-thru roast beef sandwich] Some guys are just in it to pick up chicks at the bonfire or to meet C-Diddy, but the one thing I really can't wait for?
: The Concertition?
: Hell yes, The RB Concertition! Hours and hours of every decent air musician on the planet rocking until their air calluses bleed? Don't mind if I do. I always liked it when they did a bunch of different bands, but the all-Beatles thing last year? Ho-lee shit, that made a believer outta me.
: Dude, didn't I tell you? I saw a rehearsal for this year's show! If you thought The Beatles thing was sick, wait until you see what they've got this year. All night and all morning you're going to be feasting your fingers on the one ... the only -
: Tell me!
: [a long pause] ... What, are you f**king with me?

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