So I'm playing the original NES Kid Icarus
Posted by Lord Crump Jun 19 2010 00:12 GMT in Lord Crump
- Like? be completely honest, it isn't that great. I mean, Kid Icarus: Uprising looks fun and all, and I'm looking forward to it, but it baffles me as to why it's being made in the first place when the original game isn't very fun. Kid Icarus NES just isn't very polished; the level design is terrible, the difficulty isn't so much challenging as it is frustrating, and the controls can be blech at times. With that said, I've only been through two stages; does it get any better? Because so far, it isn't as great as some people have made it out to be.

(I am aware that there is a second Kid Icarus title for the Gameboy).


Yeah Kid Iracus was Nintendo's way of throwing Metroid into Mario and doing a bad job at it. I also heard the leveling system was pretty shit as well.
Reply by Fallen Shade Jun 19 2010 00:16 GMT
I still haven't beaten the first stage. ;;
Never the less I still kinda like it.
Reply by MattTheSpratt Jun 19 2010 00:24 GMT
The leveling system is crap. There's no choice involved and it's all invisible, making it impossible to keep track of where you are.
Reply by Lord Crump Jun 19 2010 02:21 GMT
Kid Icarus was kinda fun sometimes. Each of the levels had their up points and down points. I'd say more down than up, but it kept interesting enough to keep me playing.
Reply by Viddd Jun 19 2010 03:49 GMT
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