Super Street Fighter IV Arcade could bring a console patch
Posted by Joystiq Jul 13 2010 19:00 GMT in Super Street Fighter IV
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Capcom's Yoshinori Ono has been doing the press rounds talking about Super Street Fighter IV lately. The developer is planning to port the game to arcades and Ono implied during a Famitsu interview (via IGN) that any changes for the game's arcade release could make its way back into the console game. "If it's a tuning update similar to the June 15 update, I believe we'd be able to offer it for free," Ono said. "However, if it's the kind of update that adds new moves, it's possible that it could be paid."

Ono said something similar in an interview with the PlayStation community, actually. "If we do make some changes to the arcade version, it is not impossible to apply the same changes to the PS3 version. However, as I can't get down to it yet, I have to ask you to wait for a while." What kind of things would you guys want to see in a patch?

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