I hate to admit it; no, I loathe myself for admitting it
Posted by Lord Crump Jul 17 2010 04:40 GMT in Guild Wars 2
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...but this game looks pretty damn fun. I mean, it looks like what WoW should've been.

Lemme set things straight: I highly disliked the first Guild Wars. Mainly because the PvE content felt gimped to me; as if the game only cared about PvP content (I LOATHE PvP in RPGs, MMO or not; to me, an RPG is about just that: role-playing. Going off on an epic adventure and exploring and questing and experiencing an interesting narrative and other shit like that; not just "HEY GUYS LET'S BEAT THE SHIT OUTTA EACHOTHER"). Well, Guild Wars 2--with its persistent world, racial variety, and (Supposedly) an actual crafting system--looks like it's going to remedy that problem.

The best thing about it is that despite all of the changes it's going to be free-to-play like the original, meaning it won't really be competing for my wallet with other big-name MMOs (Right now my "subscription fee choice trinity" is DCUO, SW:TOR, and FFXIV; still can't decide, but it's probably not going to be FFXIV, given my experience with the original game).


The best thing about it is playable Charr.
You are retarded.
Reply by Popple Jul 17 2010 04:42 GMT

I dunno, the deformed tarutaru/gnome things are also pretty schweet

No, the best thing about it is the concept art. Seriously, this is some bitchin' concept art.


Reply by Lord Crump Jul 17 2010 04:47 GMT
Crump we need to *crag*ing play MMOs sometime because everyone else here is gay.
Reply by Popple Jul 17 2010 04:48 GMT
Guild Wars 2 is probably going to be when I get back in to MMOs; I quit WoW a while back mainly because the endgame, high-end raiding community is filled with douchebags
Reply by Lord Crump Jul 17 2010 05:04 GMT
I've always kinda wanted to get into Guild Wars. Right now my MMO fix is Champions Online.
Reply by Brem Jul 17 2010 05:22 GMT
> What the group of people who actually play Guild Wars been talking about for close to 2 goddamn years and all of you have shrugged off until now
Reply by Twytch Jul 17 2010 05:24 GMT
Dude I've been waiting for Guild Wars 2 since it was announced, you go to hell.
Reply by Popple Jul 17 2010 05:25 GMT
All of us too, and I remember pretty well we all got called guild wars fags on original Digi for it
Reply by Twytch Jul 17 2010 05:27 GMT
because mmos are gay if there isnt any SHOOTAN BULLETS
Reply by darkz Jul 17 2010 05:31 GMT
Well I was not one of those people. I mean sure I stopped rollin' deep in Wars after the second expansion, but then again it isn't like the game was perfect.
It was fun for quite awhile, but 2 looks like a keeper.
Reply by Popple Jul 17 2010 05:32 GMT
I didn't like Guild Wars Prophecies. Or Factions. Nightfall was pretty cool though. How does one pay for this game? Subscription, pay once, or the piece of shit pay and then subscriptions?
Reply by ©na Jul 17 2010 06:08 GMT
I apologize for that assumption then, Pops. Even I don't play Guild Wars often because it's hard to stand the goddamn game after so long.
@ripboreale - Just pay for the game and play it when it comes out, that's it.
Reply by Twytch Jul 17 2010 06:14 GMT
Then I will have to give it a try.
Reply by ©na Jul 17 2010 06:20 GMT
I don't give a shit who makes this, but MMO set in the Shenmue universe.
All in favour say PRUNE JEWS
Reply by MattTheSpratt Jul 17 2010 17:58 GMT
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