At last week’s PlayStation event in NYC, I was pleased to see Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition make an appearance — complete with the new PlayStation Move control scheme.
I grabbed a PlayStation Move and a Navigation Controller and dove into a combat sequence several chapters into the game. Several details quickly became apparent:
Aiming is much, much easier. I was able to pop headshots, even at long ranges, with impressive accuracy using the PlayStation Move’s reticule aiming. You move your character with an analog stick (via the Navigation Controller or a DualShock 3), then squeeze the trigger on the PlayStation Move to draw your weapon. Once your shot is lined up, you press the Move button with your thumb to fire the shot. Easy!
From what I played, the new PlayStation Move aiming controls will be a big help to players who had difficulty adjusting to Resident Evil 5’s default analog stick control scheme.
Knifing is easier, too. In the original version of Resident Evil 5, swinging your knife was a two-step process: you pressed and held one button to ready the knife, and another to swing it. But using PlayStation Move, you can “waggle” the motion controller to immediately swing the knife at any time. It’s handier in a pinch, and makes close-quarters battles feel faster and deadlier. It’s also easier to smash open crates and barrels to find those all-important healing herbs.
Reloading works through a similar process: you pull the trigger to ready your weapon, then “waggle” the PlayStation Move control to reload. These tweaks make the game feel faster and nimbler, freeing up precious seconds during heated combat sequences.
Chris and Shiva are more maneuverable. By shifting the run button to the left-hand Navigation Controller (or a DualShock 3), Resident Evil 5 frees up your right hand for aiming and knifing. This has a liberating effect on the game’s pacing by encouraging more hit-and-run tactics — a must when battling tough bosses such as the chainsaw-wielding Majini. Much like the other enhancements to the PlayStation Move control scheme, this makes playing Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition a nimbler, easier process.
If you already own a copy of Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition for your PS3, you’ll be able to download a free patch close to the launch of the PlayStation Move (September 19th in North America) to enable the new motion-control scheme. This will only work with RE5 copies labeled “Gold Edition” — the original version of RE5 won’t be receiving the patch, for technical reasons.
Moving forward, all new “Gold Edition” versions of Resident Evil 5 that hit store shelves after the launch of PlayStation Move will come with PlayStation Move support included on the disc. Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition also comes with all the DLC add-ons, including the new “Desperate Escape” and “Lost in Nightmares” scenarios, as standard features.
Have any other questions about Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition’s new PlayStation Move control scheme? Ask away in the comments and I’ll see what I can dig up.