Posted by weedlord bonerhitler Aug 02 2010 04:19 GMT in weedlord bonerhitler
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/fa/ for life


i like how you can tell the one on the left doesnt want to be there
Reply by msn Aug 02 2010 04:23 GMT

>nigger on the right


Reply by Monocleton Aug 02 2010 04:49 GMT
holy shit
What is the man in the middle doing with that dog?
Reply by hawkofrawk Aug 02 2010 17:48 GMT
It's a purse, thought it was probably a dog at some point. Crazy french /fa/shion.
also yeah SpaceNigger is the coolest one. Never noticed the similarities to La Forge.
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Aug 02 2010 22:00 GMT
wait shit those are all dudes
Reply by Twytch Aug 03 2010 00:07 GMT
no one is a girl
Reply by Tails Doll Aug 03 2010 00:12 GMT
that's why I said they're all dudes :3
Reply by Twytch Aug 03 2010 00:28 GMT
i meant to say, no, one is a girl. i am a retard and forgot to put in that comma.
Reply by Tails Doll Aug 03 2010 00:53 GMT
Second to right is a girl.
The androgynous one is Charles Guislain. He's pretty cool.
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Aug 03 2010 01:25 GMT
manface shed doubt on peacock hair, and I should have noticed myself anyway with the space there
Reply by Twytch Aug 03 2010 04:28 GMT
I heard all of that french fashion shit was fake and only used to get tourists to come to France and that the actual french weren't stylish at all.
Reply by Fallen Shade Aug 03 2010 16:02 GMT
is this actually supposed to be fashionable or is this some kind of joke
Reply by Nastasia Aug 03 2010 16:49 GMT
The thing is, loaf, that people have the misconception that high-end French fashion is *crag*ing commonground shit in France. It's just like anywhere else, most of the people don't give a *crag* about fashion.
@ nas
oh u
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Aug 03 2010 17:01 GMT
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