David O. Russell off Uncharted movie, 2011 release unlikely
Posted by Joystiq Aug 03 2010 23:40 GMT in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
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David O. Russell, director of Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees and Spanking the Monkey, is no longer being considered for the job of directing the Uncharted: Drake's Fortune movie. The LA Times reports that Sony-owned Columbia Pictures, the movie's producers and Russell were unable to reach terms satisfactory to all parties, and now the studio has to start looking for directing talent once again, while also searching for lead actors.

The Times' Steven Zeitchik speculates that the delay caused by the lost director scuttles any chance Sony had of having the movie done in time for a 2011 release. At this rate, it'll probably coincide with the release of Uncharted 4: Baby Drake's Crystal Crawl. That's right, we're calling it now: Naughty Dog's going to change up the gameplay with a tale from Nate Drake's infancy.

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