MotorStorm 3D Rift tears up PSN tomorrow (with 2D support)
Posted by Joystiq Aug 23 2010 19:20 GMT in MotorStorm Pacific Rift
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If you're one of what must be millions of PS3 owners who has already dropped three large on on a Bravia 3DTV, you've already experienced a small taste of MotorStorm: Pacific Rift in 3D as part of the demo pack Sony gifted you. Good news for you: The experience doesn't end there. As part of tomorrow's PlayStation Store update, Sony is making available MotorStorm 3D Rift, a more substantial 3D-ified release of the game, featuring 10 courses, each linked to a specific event type. Oh, and it'll run on those old-fashioned 2D televisions, too -- like anyone uses those anymore!

The price of admission for this thrill ride: $10. The price of the game running in 3D: 30 frames per second.

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