Seemingly at peace with the fact that it may never escape the "Resident Evil 5 is racist" flap the game stirred up last year, Capcom USA is speaking openly about measures it is taking to ensure it can offer a non-Japanese perspective on future titles. Talking with Gamasutra, the senior PR rep for the publisher's North American operation, Melody Pfeiffer, confirmed that, "Since the RE5 controversy, we have become much more aware of how important it is that we are part of the asset creation process early on so that we are able to have a say in the end product." (Implying that it didn't before.)
"We are also designing a lot of our own assets from this side of the pond, so that we are able to make strategic pieces of content that make sense for our market," Pfeiffer added, saying, "We are working really closely with our producers in Japan to construct these materials for the West and they are open more then ever to hearing our thoughts and ideas for assets."
Translated: Capcom USA hopes it won't be blindsided again, and has gotten assurances from the home office that it'll be listened to the next time it says, "Uh, no, that ain't gonna fly anywhere." Listened to, yes, but heard? Only the lack of another "RE5 controversy" can serve as proof.
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