Metroid: Other M - G4 review
Posted by GoNintendo Aug 27 2010 18:15 GMT in Metroid: Other M
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A portion of a G4 review… As the 11th game in the series, Other M is a bizarre collaboration between the Metroid series co-creator Yoshio Sakamoto and Team Ninja of Ninja Gaiden fame. Indeed, “odd pairings” becomes the common thread throughout the game and its clashing dualities extend to the storyline, control scheme and onscreen action. Full [...]


Reply by Fallen Shade Aug 27 2010 18:54 GMT
Reply by Nastasia Aug 27 2010 19:14 GMT
75% of Metroid: Other M's video review consisted of criticizing the story, 20% consisted of "THIS GAME IS TERRIBLE WORST GAME EVER MADE," and 5% briefly touched upon the actual gameplay.
That should tell you something about the quality of G4's "journalism."
Reply by Lord Crump Aug 27 2010 19:23 GMT

G4: because we stopped caring once TechTV was gone.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Aug 27 2010 20:34 GMT
if we were able to "like" comments in addition to discussions, I'd "like" yours in a heartbeat, Maiq
Reply by Lord Crump Aug 27 2010 20:35 GMT
Other reviews I've read are exactly like this.
Crump stop pretending that Other M isn't shit.
Reply by Popple Aug 27 2010 21:52 GMT


Reply by Lord Crump Aug 28 2010 00:23 GMT

link dead.

also i'm guessing this is rent worthy

Reply by ssg Aug 28 2010 00:24 GMT
The gameplay is god-awful.
Reply by Shrowser Aug 28 2010 19:13 GMT
Did you pirate the game, Shrowser?
Reply by Lord Crump Aug 28 2010 19:22 GMT
No. It was playing at a Gamestop kiosk.
The camera is just odd and using the d-pad is kind of a pain.
Reply by Shrowser Aug 28 2010 19:41 GMT

Bleh, can't say I'm nto massively dissapointed.  But who really wasn't expecting this with Team Ninja on it.


One more 'rent'-able Wii game.

Reply by White Shy Guy Aug 29 2010 14:39 GMT
>Implying that G4's reviews actually count
Reply by Lord Crump Aug 29 2010 16:23 GMT

Not actually implying that at all.  Just stating my dissappointment.  I've heard from various people as well as played a small bit of it myself.  Kinda sucks.

Reply by White Shy Guy Aug 29 2010 16:53 GMT
Game is still shit Crump.
Not one component of it is above average.
And the voice acting drags it down to nothing.
It is a 0 out of 10, that is how pointless this game is.
Reply by Popple Aug 29 2010 18:21 GMT
They had it at my gamestop too. I agree the camera gets a bit awkward at times but it actually felt quite easy to play and enjoyable as soon as my mind adjusted to the new game format. I still want to buy this game, mainly to collect , but also because I cant say I hated or loved the demo gamestop had, so I feel obligated to play the rest of it just to find out.
Reply by Super-Claus Aug 29 2010 18:23 GMT
No it isn't, Popple.
Most of the game is actually well-designed; the only problem with it is the unusual control scheme, but even that isn't necessarily a BAD thing. Just different, and easy to get the hang of after playing it for a little while. It's not like the game was supposed to be another Metroid Prime or some shit. Plus, who cares about bad voice acting? FFX had UNGODLY voice-acting but it was still a great game.
The game is an 8/10 game; good, not great, not bad.
Reply by Lord Crump Aug 29 2010 19:16 GMT
So the only things that are bad are the controls and the main voice actor.
Game of the year.
I love having awkward gunfights in square arenas, who wouldn't love that?
Reply by Popple Aug 29 2010 19:39 GMT
I already do that on css
Reply by darkz Aug 29 2010 19:40 GMT

The controls aren't bad, they're just unusual. Again, they're easy to get a hang of. So yeah, that makes the voice actor the only thing that's truly bad in the game. The level design and general gameplay is good; therefore, it's a good game.

In addition, I don't give a *crag* if it's game of the year or not; people have unrealistic expectations if they want every good game to be "OMG IT'S A GOTY CANDIDATE." I never expected Other M to be GOTY unlike some Nintendo fanwhores, and maybe that's why so many other people are going "RRRRR DIS SUX!!!!!"

Reply by Lord Crump Aug 29 2010 20:09 GMT
Rule of thumb: Don't ask Nintendo to make ANYTHING outside of what they know as of present, as everyone will hate you, the game and each other.
Reply by MattTheSpratt Aug 29 2010 20:10 GMT
Because no one liked Metroid Prime.
Reply by Popple Aug 29 2010 20:21 GMT
i liked metroid prime
Reply by darkz Aug 29 2010 21:58 GMT
>got a 10
>got a 9
>got anything below that
Reply by ©na Aug 29 2010 22:13 GMT
Face it, if the game didn't have Metroid slapped on it, no one would even know about this game. I just thought it wasn't fun at all.
Even when I pointed the cursor at the screen to go into first-person, it took about 3 seconds to understand what I was trying to do.
Reply by Shrowser Aug 30 2010 00:56 GMT
Oh well you guys hate the game if you want to i'd rather just play it seeing as i'm bored as hell because i've beaten every *crag*ing game i own at least twice.
Reply by Super-Claus Aug 30 2010 11:48 GMT
I, for one, am going to buy this game and enjoy it; the gameplay I've experienced is fresh and enjoyable, and the game, overall, looks like a spiritual successor to Metroid Fusion (Which was a great game by the way)
Reply by Lord Crump Aug 30 2010 16:42 GMT

i love the Metroid series and like most Nintendo series, a lot of their games are generally good, and Other M is hopefully not an exception.

i like how most of you guys claim the game is shit when you guys haven't even played the full game yet. maybe you all should rent it and then judge it.

Reply by ssg Aug 31 2010 04:10 GMT
All of you single fat ass guys stop wasting your lives on this get a girl ....... Naa im just kidding but all of you who hate this game are people wjo are FAKE AND GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
Reply by Mr.L Aug 31 2010 06:01 GMT
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