Wii Party to be bundled with Wii Remote in Europe
Posted by Joystiq Sep 01 2010 00:30 GMT in Wii Party
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Much in the vein of Wii Play, it seems the European version of Wii Party will come with an additional, savory bonus: an extra Wii Remote. According to Siliconera, every copy of the game (which drops in Europe October 8) will come with a new controller -- a slight departure from the game's Japanese release strategy, which offered a controller bundle for 6,800 yen ($81), and a controller-less copy of the game for 4,800 yen ($57).

The game will be out in North America on October 3, but we still haven't heard whether we'll also be able to choose between different Wii Party SKUs. Sometimes you feel like a Wiimote, but sometimes you don't, you know? (Particularly when you already have four.)

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