Uncharted 2 has seen a fair share of DLC since its release. Most recently, the Siege Expansion Pack added new character skins, new maps and a new mode to the game's multiplayer mode. However, it appears Naughty Dog isn't quite done yet and has enlisted Emily Rose -- the actor behind Elena -- to reprise her role yet again. A Sony representative told Kotaku that the actor "will be working with Naughty Dog on some DLC content."
Considering none of the DLC released thus far demanded additional work from the actors, it seems whatever Naughty Dog is working on is quite different. We're placing our money on this: additional cooperative stories. Naughty Dog's Evan Wells told us in March that "a lot of people have been asking about whether we'd have more of the cooperative objective modes that we have ... but the amount of resources it takes to put that stuff together ... because it requires getting the actors in to do a light narrative, right, so we have to get mocap and stuff."
Well, now that you have the actors ...
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