Whoever made this must have had some serious time (And skill) on his or her hands; this image is positively delightful
Posted by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 17:14 GMT in America's Got Talent
- Like?


chibis =/= skill
Reply by Nastasia Sep 13 2010 18:31 GMT
Chibis =/= skill, but that doesn't mean that art featuring chibis necessarily means no skill. Chibis are a subject material--essentially, a hyper-stylized character drawn as a child (Or with child-like proportions)--and thus, art featuring such a subject can range from terrible (The vast majority of chibi art) to great (Or, for a simplified explanation, the subject material itself isn't indicative of the skill: a great artist can make a great painting of ANY subject material).
When you look at the amount of detail and skill put in to this picture, you can tell that it wasn't drawn by your average 12-year-old Deviant Art junkie, but rather, by someone who actually knows how to draw.
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 18:37 GMT

It still looks extremely weeabooish

what i'm saying is if you actually had skill you would avoid this kind of stuff

Reply by Nastasia Sep 13 2010 18:41 GMT
Reply by MM Sep 13 2010 19:02 GMT
Crump why are you an idiot like 24/7 now.
Reply by Popple Sep 13 2010 20:28 GMT


"It still looks extremely weeabooish"

How so? There's a difference between liking manga/anime-influenced styles and being a "weaboo." It's like the difference between being a fan and being a fanboy, as another way of putting it. Would weaboos dig something like that? Well, of course, but that doesn't mean that everyone who would find a picture like that cheerful/well-drawn is a weaboo. I, for one, barely watch any anime at all (Save for the good shit, like Miyazaki's films (Prince Mononoke is *crag*ing incredible), and Cowboy Bebop), and I'm hardly interested in Japanese pop culture (I do like many Japanese-made video games, though); I'm certainly not a weaboo.

"what i'm saying is if you actually had skill you would avoid this kind of stuff"

Not true. See, you're getting in to the "what is art" debate, which is a very shady, ambiguous and ultimately subjective topic. Look at it this way: the Paper Mario series has multiple talented artists putting plenty of hours, weeks, and months in to each individual game. Is its artistic style, however, mature? Or realistic? Of course not; it's filled with what are essentially chibi characters. It does not change the fact that a large team of talented professionals were required to build the game, however.


Let's be civil, here; could you add anything to the topic aside from baseless name-calling?

Reply by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 20:57 GMT
The art is shit.
Is that better?
Reply by Popple Sep 13 2010 21:16 GMT
Reply by Slim Sep 13 2010 21:18 GMT
I think it's not. We cool bro?
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 21:20 GMT
You don't know shit about art.
Reply by Popple Sep 13 2010 21:22 GMT
And you do?
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 21:22 GMT
Reply by Popple Sep 13 2010 21:28 GMT

And that's cool. I'd like to see you (Properly) rebuke the points I raised in that Wall of Text I made in response to Nastasia, then.

Or concede that this is all a matter of taste and neither of us has a superior taste in art (Note that I never said that the artwork I posted is museum-worthy, just that it's delightful in appearance and more elaborate/made with a higher level of skill than your average fan art, which is true).

Reply by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 21:31 GMT
I don't care if it is chibi or not.
I said the art sucks, I didn't say it sucks because it is chibi.
Reply by Popple Sep 13 2010 21:44 GMT
Have you ever taken any art classes crump
Reply by Nastasia Sep 13 2010 21:48 GMT


Then it that case, since you haven't provided any reason for it sucking (Aside from outright saying "it sucks"), I would naturally get the assumption that this is a matter of personal taste and not objective skill.


I took a few back in high school. Probably going to take some more in the coming semesters to round out my electives.

Reply by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 22:04 GMT
The faces are just *crag*ing awful.
His figures suck.
The clown specifically is horse shit.
It's just another example of flash in the pan artwork that is killing our *crag*ing culture.
Reply by Popple Sep 13 2010 22:08 GMT
is he really that horrendous or is the picture just bad
or both
Reply by sims Sep 13 2010 22:20 GMT
Reply by Nastasia Sep 13 2010 22:45 GMT
"The faces are awful."
How so? They're simplistic, yes, but they're well-drawn enough so that if you know who Prince Poppycock is, you can tell that they represent him.
"His figures suck."
You mean as in proportions? Cartoonish/chibi drawings aren't meant to have realistic proportions, just proportions that suit the style. I'd say that most of the proportions are acceptable.
"The clown specifically is horse shit."
Admittedly, I did not take a good enough look at the clown. Yes, the clown's figure isn't well drawn (But the others are alright, as far as I'm concerned).
"It's just another example of flash in the pan artwork that is killing our culture."
You mean temporarily popular artwork? Chibi/super-deformed artwork isn't "flash in the pan," and if you mean poorly-drawn/misproportioned artwork, well, that has existed since cave men first etched in to stone walls with sticks and rocks.
Since you obviously don't like this chibi artwork, what do you think of this guy's fan art?
"is he really that horrendous or is the picture just bad
or both "
Prince Poppycock is like a cross between a baroque French opera performer, Liberace, and Klaus Nomi. With that said, if you want to know what he looks like, see for yourself.
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 13 2010 23:52 GMT
we don't care
Reply by Slim Sep 13 2010 23:55 GMT
I just noticed that whenever Crump posts more than 2 sentences we get a giant argument
I don't necessarily hate Prince Poppycock, I just think that Crump is getting *crag*ing annoying because he is posting FAN ART OF A *CRAG*ING CONTESTANT ON A *CRAG*ING REALITY SHOW.
Reply by Popple Sep 14 2010 00:13 GMT
How is it any different from posting fan art of a video game? I mean, I'm posting fan art of a contest in a board about that contest (Notice that the topic says posted 7 hours ago in America's Got Talent, so it's not like I'm being completely off-topic or whatever); it's not like you HAVE to reply to this board (Or even view this board; hasn't the "block messages from particular board" featured existed for quite some time?). If you don't want to discuss America's Got Talent or its contestants, you don't have to.
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 14 2010 00:17 GMT
Reply by sims Sep 14 2010 00:39 GMT
Reply by Super-Claus Sep 14 2010 00:39 GMT

"if you mean poorly-drawn/misproportioned artwork, well, that has existed since cave men first etched in to stone walls with sticks and rocks."

clearly you have not seen my artwork

or the artwork of a small child

or the artwork of a lot of people

also crump stop posting 13-mile-long posts responding to one sentence nobody but you cares that much about anything here

Reply by THAT BOBZ GUY Sep 14 2010 00:41 GMT
Crump, you are the only one who wants to discuss America's Got Talent.
Reply by Popple Sep 14 2010 00:42 GMT

"clearly you have not seen my artwork or the artwork of a small child or the artwork of a lot of people"

I think you misinterpreted what I said. I meant that badly drawn artwork as alway existed, so yes, the artwork of a small child and alot of other people is terrible.

"also crump stop posting 13-mile-long posts responding to one sentence nobody but you cares that much about anything here"

My posts can be as long as I want them to be. :)

"Crump, you are the only one who wants to discuss America's Got Talent."

Maybe; that doesn't change the fact that someone may want to come to the board out of interest to check it out (For example, look at the previous two topics; people posted in them, did they not?) and it's irrelevant to my point about not having to view the board if you don't want to.

Reply by Lord Crump Sep 14 2010 00:46 GMT
Crump, I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but Lady Gaga won the most VMAs of all time.
Reply by Popple Sep 14 2010 00:56 GMT

"My posts can be as long as I want them to be. :)"

well fine, screw you

i can interpret your posts as i please

all your posts ever are now totally about on your intense love of penis

Reply by THAT BOBZ GUY Sep 14 2010 01:09 GMT
"Crump, I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but Lady Gaga won the most VMAs of all time."
Well, Sharon Osbourne called Prince Poppycock the "male Lady Gaga." Personally, I think he's far better than Lady Gaga. :)
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 14 2010 01:11 GMT
lol this topic
Reply by Nastasia Sep 14 2010 01:12 GMT
Oh wow you figured out what I was referencing.
I'm so proud of you.
Reply by Popple Sep 14 2010 01:14 GMT
Well, I will admit, I do feel ashamed for getting in a 20+ post argument about fan art. Arguing politics or video games are one thing, but fan art is kind of silly. Way below my standards.
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 14 2010 01:15 GMT

Reply by Tails Doll Sep 14 2010 20:24 GMT
You know I never understood the idea behind getting off to people in diapers, is it suppose to go along with the whole idea of getting off on humiliation or subtly implying that the person wants to stick his dick in a 2 year old?
Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 14 2010 20:42 GMT

It's getting off to 2 year olds and it's a shit and pee fetish at the same time.

Combine that with James Cameron's Avatar and you have something that could kill both Mem Alpeh and the Great Will.

Reply by Tails Doll Sep 14 2010 20:54 GMT
Urination and Feces falls into the humiliation category just so you know
Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 14 2010 21:04 GMT
Reply by Tails Doll Sep 14 2010 21:09 GMT
what is this topic even about anymore
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 14 2010 21:26 GMT
this topic was over 7 posts ago
Reply by Nastasia Sep 14 2010 21:31 GMT
I like how this is the longest discussion we've had on Digibutter to date
Reply by Slim Sep 14 2010 21:42 GMT
I know
Reply by Nastasia Sep 14 2010 21:43 GMT
Let me put it out of it's misery then.

Reply by Tails Doll Sep 15 2010 03:52 GMT

It's not always about shit and piss. It's not that simple, there are several different reasons this is arousing to some. Humiliation is one. Then there's something about not being in diapers for long enough or too long as a child triggering the fetish. I also heard about someone having a pillow fetish that evolved into a diaper fetish because it felt like having a pillow between his legs all the time.

Reply by MM Sep 15 2010 04:10 GMT


Reply by MM Sep 15 2010 04:11 GMT
Meow, you better not enjoy the diaper pics I post.
Reply by Tails Doll Sep 15 2010 04:12 GMT

Hell no. ಠ_ಠ

Reply by MM Sep 15 2010 04:13 GMT

This one was ok though.

Reply by MM Sep 15 2010 04:16 GMT
in the end everyone has a fetish of some sort so who's to judge
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 15 2010 04:18 GMT
It's not terrible but i would still feel rather filthy if I fapped to that particular picture.
Reply by Tails Doll Sep 15 2010 04:18 GMT
God hates fags. Prince Poppycock can suck Klaus Nomi's AIDS infested cock in hell.
Reply by weedlord bonerhitler Sep 15 2010 04:50 GMT

"Crump why are you an idiot like 24/7 now."

To balance out your genius, of course.

Also I love you guys.

Reply by MattTheSpratt Sep 15 2010 11:09 GMT
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