"Too serious?" What? This was beautiful.
Posted by Lord Crump Sep 15 2010 02:30 GMT in America's Got Talent
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Is the little girl still in?
If so, she's probably going to win. Prince Poppycock is a little too interesting.
Reply by ©na Sep 15 2010 02:39 GMT
Oh, she's most likely going to win, no doubt (Even though she really isn't all that entertaining). But remember: Prince Poppycock's fanbase is batshit insane and will not go down without a fight.
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 15 2010 02:41 GMT
If only the voting was online, then they could proxy that shit.
Reply by Popple Sep 15 2010 07:25 GMT

Also, I watched it and I agree with Pierce. 
I don't know if it was "Too serious," but it was not nearly as creative or entertaining as his previous performances. The fact is that classical opera is something that has been done and is being done better than that, and what made Prince Poppycock even mildly appealing was that he didn't do opera, he took the basics of opera and turned it into something much more exciting.

Reply by Popple Sep 15 2010 07:30 GMT

Why does everyone call him "Pierce?"


Well, I disagree. Prince Poppycock's voice was completely flawless during that performance; in terms of technical skill, PP is one of the best opera singers who ever competed on the show. While the show was more serious/less quirky than his previous outings, it certainly retained a sense of wonder and spectacle. I always thought that it would be a good idea for Prince Poppycock to go out on a more emotional note, and picking that song really does seem like an appropriate "fairytale ending," in PP's words.


Also, the whole thing is looking more and more like sabotage to me. Apparently, a load of technical problems accompanied Prince Poppycock's performance last night, and that's in addition to Piers waiting til the very end of Prince Poppycock's show to buzz him (Making me wonder if the only reason he did it was so he could give Evancho a better chance at winning).

Reply by Lord Crump Sep 15 2010 15:08 GMT
Also voting is online; the rules are that it is per email address, not per IP. I voted 200 times.
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 15 2010 15:14 GMT
Reply by MM Sep 15 2010 20:17 GMT
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 15 2010 23:48 GMT
Reply by MM Sep 16 2010 02:02 GMT
Oh, they were rigged, alright, but I'm content that the winner was Michael Grimm, and not that generic Cute Little White Girl (TM). Besides, the winners are usually forgotten about, anyway (Save for Terry Fator, who's actually doing quite well over in Vegas); Prince Poppycock will become a major player in the mass media soon enough. :)
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 16 2010 02:06 GMT

You know why I don't watch talent shows?

Everyone who enters is easily forgettable, even the finalist. It's just fifteen minutes of fame with money thrown at it from every direction.

Reply by MattTheSpratt Sep 16 2010 15:36 GMT

Prince sure ain't forgettable, though.

Reply by Tails Doll Sep 16 2010 20:08 GMT
Oh, definitely, there's always one or two.
Reply by MattTheSpratt Sep 17 2010 19:43 GMT
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