Wii Party - Party Piñata press kit
Posted by GoNintendo Sep 22 2010 21:16 GMT in Wii Party
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Our friends at Nintendo wanted us to kick off the party a bit early, which is why they sent over a Wii Party press kit today. Check out all the goodies inside! function getVideo() { var so = new SWFObject("http://cdn.springboard.gorillanation.com/storage/xplayer/yo033.swf", "mplayer", "420", "340", "8", "#000000"); so.addParam("wmode","transparent"); so.addParam("swliveconnect", "true"); so.addParam("allowscriptaccess", "always"); so.addParam("allowfullscreen", "true"); so.addVariable("pid", "goni001"); so.addVariable("siteId", "485"); so.addVariable("videoId", "198391"); so.addVariable("autostart", "false"); so.addVariable("file", "http://cms.springboard.gorillanation.com/xml_feeds_advanced/index/485/3/198391/"); so.addVariable("pageUrl", document.location); so.write("flashcontent_485_goni001_single_198391"); } getVideo(); You can also [...]

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