How could something so beautiful come from something so, so ugly
Posted by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 02:15 GMT in Lord Crump
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You know, maybe Justin Bieber really was a good musician who was unfortunately born in a universe 800% too fast for him


>Justin bieber
Stoppped reading right there. Crump you can go *crag* yourself.
Reply by Flar3 Sep 26 2010 02:17 GMT
Yeah no
Reply by Nastasia Sep 26 2010 02:20 GMT
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 02:20 GMT
>>You know, maybe Justin Bieber really was a good musician
Get out
Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 26 2010 02:20 GMT
Jesus Christ, you guys are retarded.
"durr hurr I can make myself look witty by making fun of a post without taking it in the full context"
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 02:21 GMT
Crump I think you need to look at the reality here, you can't look at a slowed down version of something and say the artist is good
Reply by Nastasia Sep 26 2010 02:22 GMT
that's like photoshopping a terrible painting and saying the artist is good
Reply by Nastasia Sep 26 2010 02:23 GMT
I think you're missing the point, Nastasia. I'm not literally saying the artist is good; do you understand sarcasm, because that post was obviously laced with it.
What I'm saying is that slowing down the music by 800% actually makes it sound like pleasant ambient music.
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 02:23 GMT
Slowing down anything by 800% makes it sound ambient, your reasons for defending your sudden liking for blonde boy band fags is unjustified.
Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 26 2010 02:28 GMT
Again, loaf, you're completely missing the irony that I'm trying to point out. In addition, slowing down everything does make everything sound like ambient, but not always does it make something sound like professional ambient (This sounds like it could have actually been composed by a legitimate musician).
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 02:29 GMT
Professional ambient? Who do you know that makes professional ambiance, nigga u crazy.
Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 26 2010 02:37 GMT
Mainstream artists like the celtic/new age/ambient musician Enya and the eletronic music group Tangerine Dream, for example, and underground composers like Diatonis
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 02:41 GMT

Crump, you can kinda take any song and slow it down 800%. It'll probably sound just as good.

Reply by Maiq the Liar Sep 26 2010 02:44 GMT
I disagree; I've listened to my fair share of "slow down" tracks, and this one sounds the most professional of the bunch. And even then, that has no bearing on the DELICIOUS irony of it all
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 02:46 GMT
Loaf why is there not a *crag*ing comic for this yet.
Reply by Popple Sep 26 2010 07:47 GMT

Because, Popple, unlike the other comics which are funny because they do have some level of truth to them (I won't deny that I can be an arrogant hipster-ish artsy elitist who can become extremely obsessed with a particular topic (Such as Poppycock) sometimes), making fun of this discussion would only make him look like an idiot because it would show that he either A). doesn't get the irony behind what I'm attempting to point out or B). doesn't understand (Clearly) tongue-in-cheek posts. Or both.

Reply by Lord Crump Sep 26 2010 12:54 GMT
I'm listening to it while doing some homework lol.
Reply by Shrowser Sep 26 2010 17:58 GMT
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