If you purchase classic Game Boy or Game Boy Color games off the 3DS Virtual Console you're a bad person
Posted by Lord Crump Sep 29 2010 16:57 GMT in Lord Crump
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By all means, PLAY these games, but don't PAY for them. It is unethical to purchase games that are over ten years old because it encourages video game companies to continue attempting to profit off of titles that should be public domain by now. This is bad for the market because it encourages rehashing old content instead of encouraging the developers to develop NEW content.


I do plan on buying a few games off the market on 3DS MAINLY because of the fact that many of the games on 3DS virtual console are being re-made in 3D. It would be nice to have DKC2 GBA remade in 3D.
Reply by Super-Claus Sep 29 2010 19:31 GMT

What if they add shit to them to make them more exciting like a friend code wireless adapter simulator thing for the pokemon games? Would you be an eltist uptight *crag* about it then?

Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 29 2010 19:41 GMT
I disagree Crump. There will always be a market for old games, just like how people want to watch old movies or read old books. If a piece of media is good, it will always be good (or at least nostalgic). Many people new to gaming will want to play Link's Awakening, even 10 years from now. In fact, being able to re-release games will discourage rehashing, because there is no incentive to just re-make an old game when the original is still available.
@Dimento: Where was it reported that they would add 3D to old Gameboy games?
@loafSKZ Since they hardly did anything to enhance Wii VC games, I wouldn't count on seeing anything like that.
Reply by Francis Sep 29 2010 19:59 GMT
@Francis During the nintendo conference Iwata mentioned something about redoing old gameboy/n64 games in 3D. I hope this holds true , because if their re-releasing Starfox N64 & OoT in Full 3D they're probably going to put it on their VC, which in the long run would save money on both ends.
Reply by Super-Claus Sep 29 2010 20:20 GMT
we already knew about oot on 3ds
also i hope they don't do pokemon red/blue again that didn't really work out on gba
Reply by Nastasia Sep 29 2010 20:34 GMT

I remember hearing that they showed a scene of Link's Awakening DX with the 3D stuff enabled.

Reply by Linkshot Sep 29 2010 22:00 GMT
I'm buying them anyways, because I love playing on the go and because I want to support them.
Reply by Flar3 Sep 29 2010 22:02 GMT

I think some of you guys are misunderstanding the point that I'm trying to make. I'm not opposed to REMAKING games or selling games with added features--I'm looking forward to OoT 3DS, after all--however, I AM opposed to selling games that are 10 to 15 years old that are exactly the same as they were before. Those games should be freely available to everyone by now (And that sort of opinion is the exact opposite of an "elitist," loaf; an elitist would argue that games should only be available to those who afford them).

 Francis, I do understand that people like to play old games and watch old movies, so why shouldn't those old movies and games be in the public domain, where everyone can freely enjoy them? It's not like no one will no about it if no one is making any money off of it.

Long story short: buying remakes (OoT 3DS) is okay; buying games that won't have any new features added off the virtual console isn't. The ethical thing to do would be to get an emulator and find a ROM of those incredibly old games online, to prove to these greedy corporations that these games shouldn't be a source of profit anymore, and instead, free entertainment for everyone.

Reply by Lord Crump Sep 30 2010 00:01 GMT
^That post probably put the final nail in the coffin of my inner capitalist. Boy, I've drifted quite far to the left.
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 30 2010 00:19 GMT
But crump, If everyone had that mindset then the industry would die eventually, because people would start to figure out "well if i wait 5 years to play this game, then I can just play it for free!" and the gaming economy would drop from great profit drop, and video games would be a forgotten "fad" of the past.
Reply by Super-Claus Sep 30 2010 00:27 GMT
Note that I said "10 to 15 years," not 5 years. And even then, I don't know of many people who are willing to wait 5 years to play the game they've eagerly been anticipating. Consumers are not patient.
Reply by Lord Crump Sep 30 2010 00:35 GMT
in 15 years when they're free or public domain, these companies will have no reason to put their old games out and the current generation will know nothing of the olden days
there are probably other reasons but i think that this is stupid
Reply by Viddd Sep 30 2010 01:48 GMT

If the games are great, then they will be remembered.


"Now, sonny, lemme tell you the story of SUPER DUPER MERRY-O BROS., the platformer that started it all..."

Reply by Lord Crump Sep 30 2010 01:54 GMT
What about the games that were great, overlooked, and were never praised as much as the other more known games of the same genre? What current day *crag*bags are gonna here about the likes of Killer Instinct and Bad Dudes? I understand where you're coming from about rehashing the same shit over and over again but you're acting like they're making a gigantic *crag*ing profit off of this while in reality only a small majority of people actually buy stuff off of the current shop channels. And I'm pretty sure the shop channel for the 3DS will run the same course, so stop getting your panties in a knot just because Nintendo is offering players the choice to buy an older game for a dirt cheap price to play more conveniently than it would be to hunt down an original used copy of the *crag*ing game that would probably cost more.
Reply by Fallen Shade Sep 30 2010 02:45 GMT

"What about games that were great, overlooked, and were never praised as much" The thing is, loaf, is that those games--the ones that really WERE overlooked/never praised and haven't developed strong cult followings--aren't likely to be offered by a company in the first place (They care about money, after all, so why would they want to sell a product that has historically not sold well). Bad Dudes isn't one of those games that were overlooked/never praised. It developed a cult following in time (Which is evidence enough that you don't need to sell a game in order for it to take off; it's as simple as word-of-mouth, much of the time). Also, actually, Nintendo makes quite a bit of money off the VC. I don't have the statistics on me at the very moment, but I can get them for you tomorrow.

Reply by Lord Crump Sep 30 2010 03:28 GMT
It's bad for me to pay developers for the content they made, but if I buy it from a reseller or on eBay and completely cut the actual content creator out of the loop that's okay?
Reply by Popple Oct 01 2010 01:21 GMT

The point is that developers shouldn't be making money off of 10 to 15 year old games and they don't NEED to be making money off of those games in the first place. If it's over ten years old, it should be public domain, in my book.

Reply by Lord Crump Oct 01 2010 01:49 GMT
I guess game development is free now. I wasn't aware.
Reply by Popple Oct 01 2010 03:11 GMT
Crump confirmed for double liberal
Video games are expensive, pal. 10, 15 years? Both too short.
Reply by ©na Oct 01 2010 03:17 GMT
Depends on the year the game was made. Current games require much more effort than old titles
Reply by FrozenWinters Oct 01 2010 03:18 GMT
@Popple: ...you're either completely missing my point (About how these are OLD games that have already had PLENTY of time to sell and make the company that made them a profit), or you honestly believe that Nintendo NEEDS to continue profitting off of Super Mario Bros. 3, Link's Awakening and Pokemon Red and Blue because their new shit isn't more than enough to sustain them. And I hope it isn't the latter, because that would be one of the most ridiculous beliefs ever.
Reply by Lord Crump Oct 01 2010 03:18 GMT

@Dr. Mundo: That point is moot because many of these games haven't been sold for years anyway.

Reply by Lord Crump Oct 01 2010 03:19 GMT

@FrozenWinters: It's a matter of perspective in relation to time; Super Mario Bros. 3 was a "big budget" game back when it was released. Now it is considered "simple." The same will be true for Halo Reach or Mass Effect 2 in 20 years (Once the graphical capabilities "plateau"--as in, once we achieve 100% photorealism--things will then start becoming far cheaper). And games have always sold for around 50+ USD in the States.

Reply by Lord Crump Oct 01 2010 03:22 GMT
Hey Crump
In ten years, would you want Mass Effect 2 being remade by everyone? Even the folks behind Too Human?
Reply by ©na Oct 01 2010 03:48 GMT

Everyone's remaking Beowulf as well as Shakespeare's works, but no one's complaining about that, are they? Or, for a more contemporary example, people are still writing books about Cthulhu n' shit even though Lovecraft is long dead. If it's a blatant rip-off (As in, if it's the same damn thing 100%) and it's released by someone in the public domain without giving credit to BioWare, then the fanbase will know and they will dislike that company or person for it (And the company or person will get a bad rep for it). If the folks behind Too Human were to release a shitty Mass Effect spin-off, then it wouldn't be considered part of the gaming canon.

Reply by Lord Crump Oct 01 2010 04:28 GMT

Why are you assuming that every game on the service is going to be a first party product? That hasn't been the precedent.

Furthermore, if you are going to say that 10 to 15 years should be the cut off date then it should apply to all games instead of just Gameboy games.

Reply by Popple Oct 01 2010 06:37 GMT

Reply by Tails Doll Oct 01 2010 07:07 GMT
I wasn't assuming that every game would be a first party game. Actually, this would probably affect third party studios less than first party studios; many third party studios that produce great games don't have as much of a legacy as, say, Nintendo does with all of their A-List franchises. Trying to continue selling a game for 10+ years would eve be less profitable for them (Especially when a company usually doesn't make alot of money off of a game released five years ago, anyway; five-year-old games are usually in the second-hand market by then).
And of course it should apply to all games; the original Ocarina of Time should be free for everyone (Not the "new" Ocarina of Time for the 3DS, because technically, it's a different game).
Reply by Lord Crump Oct 01 2010 13:33 GMT
Crump, when I post a picture of somebody who is completley pathetic inserting pictures of Krystal into their lives, you are supposed to stop talking.
Reply by Tails Doll Oct 03 2010 19:35 GMT
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