Enslaved review: A barrel of Monkey
Posted by Joystiq Oct 01 2010 09:00 GMT in Enslaved
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It's embarrassing, but true: Every single reviewer tries to think of what they're going to say while they're playing a game. For me, it's like a mental first draft, constantly evolving as I play. "EFF THIS CRAP IT'S TOO HARD" gets struck through when I figure out what I'm doing wrong, and hilarious jokes I come up with about the main character's haircut become more refined as I go along.

As I sat down to write my review for Enslaved though, I realized that my brain had been so captivated, so entranced by the adventures of the brutish loner Monkey, that my mental slate was entirely blank. And that's saying something, because he's got one really stupid haircut.

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